Papers Published
Girma Tafesse, Mitiku Daba, VG Naidu:Mathematical Analysis of Convective Heat Exchanger from Renewable Sun’s Radiation through Nano-fluid in Direct Absorption Solar Collectors with the Procreation of Entropy,Research , Issue-September 8th, 2022
P Kanakadurga Devi, VG Naidu Girma Tafesse, K Manjula, RLV Renuka Devi:Computational method for 1-D one phase problem, Materials Today: Proceedings Volume 64, Part 1, 2022, p.702-705
VG Naidu, Dev Kanakadurga: Computation of one dimensional one phase Stefan problems, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020),Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine | June 1st – 5th, 2020, Book of Abstracts,p.102
V. G. Naidu P. Kanakadurga Devi: One Phase Moving Boundary Problem, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-9 , Issue-2, December, 2019, p. 3427-3431
P Kanakadurga Devi, VG Naidu, K Mamatha, B Naresh: One Dimensional Two Phase Problem, IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), (2018), p. 575-579
VG Naidu, SR Koneru: Free and moving boundary problems for heat and mass transfer,International Journal of Engineering and Technology Issue 7, (2018), p. 18- 19
P.K Durga Devi, V.G Naidu and S.R Koneru: Finite Difference Method for One-dimensional Stefan Problem, Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems,Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, (2018), p. 1750- 1756.
D. Pathela, Dhananjaya Reddy and V G Naidu: One phase 1-D Stefan problem using Bisection Method. Global journal research Analysis, Volume-6, Issue-2, February – 2017, ISSN No 2277 – 8160.
P.K Durga and VG Naidu: One phase One Dimensional Stefan Problem. Open Journal of Applied & Theoretical Mathematics (OJATM) Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2016, pp. 400~408 ISSN: 2455-7102
P. K. Durga Devi, Naidu.V.G. & G. Viswanath Reddy: A New Computational method for single phase Classical 1-D Stefan Problem. International Journal of Advanced Scientific & Technical Research, Volume 2l (5), March-April 2015, ISSN 2249-9954.
Naidu V.G and PK. Durga Devi: A New Finite Difference front Tracking Method for two Phase 1-D Moving Boundary Problems, Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) 127 ( 2015 ) 1034 – 1040,
Naidu V.G and PK. Durga Devi: Kanakadurga Devi P., G. Viswanath Reddy and Naidu.V.G. (2015). A Front Tracking Method for two phase classical 1-D stefan problem. International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research (IJSIMR), Volume 3, Special Issue 3, July 2015, PP 1000-1006, ISSN 2347-307X.
P.K Durga Devi, V.G Naidu and S.R Koneru: A New Method for Single Phase 1-D Stefan Problem, International Journal of Mathematical Archive-6(2), 2015, 199-204, ISSN 2229 – 5046.
Naidu V.G, and Aruna Kumari J: An Unsteady Incompressible micropolar fluid flow near stagnation point with electromagnetic fields. Int. J. Appl. Maths. & Stat. Sciences, vol.2 no.5, pp.117-124, 2013.
Naidu V.G and Suresh M: A Computational Algorithm for Solving Boundary Value Problems: A case Study, Annual May-2005 seminar held at Educational faculty, BahirDar University
Naidu V.G: The stability analysis of fully developed flow in MHD channel, Journal of BahirDar University, vol.1, no.3, 2003.
Naidu,V.G, " Boundary Layer Separation in MHD Power Generators”, Proc. of ICECE 2003, pp 101-105, Oct 29th to Nov 1st 2003, Ethiopia.
Naidu V.G: Power Generation for Sustainable Development. The Ethiopian J. Tech., Education and Sustainable Development, vol.1, no.1, pp 22, 2002.
Naidu, V.G: Stability Analysis of MHD Flow, Acta Ciencia Indica, vol.XXVII M, no.4, pp 503, 2001.
Naidu V.G, K.S.Rao and B. N. Rao: The Effect of Hall currents on the Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary layer Flow over a flat plate, Forschungim. Ingenierwesen Bd.56, no.4, pp129, 1990.
Naidu,V.G, K.S.Rao, M.L.Mittal and B.N.Rao: Laminar Compressible MHD Boundary Layers. Forschungim Ingenieurwesen Bd.55, no.6, pp 196-98, 1989
Naidu,V.G., Mittal,M.L and Rao,B.N.: Boundary Layer Heat Transfer With Electro-magnetic Fields. Acta Mech., vol.68, pp 277-86, 1987.
Mittal M.L, Nataraja H.R, Naidu V.G: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in the Duct of MHD Power Generator, Int. J. of Heat & Mass Transfer, vol.30, no.3, pp 527-534,1987.